20 Paws adventure

Hello!, let me and my brothers and sisters introduce ourselves!
I’m bear a miniature Shar Pei with a bit of chow in there to, I didn’t have the best start in life I was bred in to a very bad place that only wanted to make money of me and my siblings, I was the last one left and they very unkind to me, but my mummy came and saved me I was very smelly and was scared of everyone and everything, me and my mum worked very hard to build my confidence I am still a little nervous of people I don’t know but I’m getting better and better! When I got to 1 years old I started loosing lots of my fur and was very itchy my mum helped me though it and we worked out I’m allergic to a lot!, I can’t eat anything with grain and wheat and also can’t eat anything that eats them either.. so what does that leave me with… FISH but that’s okay because that’s my favourite anyways!

My brother is Bentley, the bulldog, I didn’t like him to much at first but now we are best friends my mum got him from a breeder who was going to keep him as a stud dog but he developed cherry eye in both eyes so they could no longer breed from him so he came to live with us! I helped look after him after his surgery and even helped him try to escape from his cone of shame a couple of times but my mummy put it straight back on… BORING. My mum says he is a lucky bulldog because he doesn’t have any allergies unlike me.

Now for Hennessy she is meant to be a Cane Corso but none of us are convinced she came to live with us when I was about 2 years old and I was glad because it meant Bentley would have someone else to play with and he would give me a rest I’ll admit I did get a little lazy and didn’t want to play much anymore but I still loved cuddling them on the sofa.

Now for the two new additions Dottie and Tyson they are proper brother and sisters… and boy are they annoying. They are 9 month old XL bully’s and all they want to do is play.. I do give in and play with them at times but they are WAY to fast and catch me so quickly every single time!, they have to wear muzzles because of the new law in the UK Dottie doesn’t mind this but Tyson HATES it my mummy is still working hard to get him comfortable and I know he will do great with it in the end!, they are already as big as me and my mum tells me they are still baby’s… yeah right.

But that’s me and the gang.. check out the store there is something for every paw here! Even me with all my allergies!
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