The Bulldogs's

Hi we are the bulldogs- Bruce, Winnie and Kairo. 
We are British bulldogs who are very lazy and love nothing more than sleeping in the sunshine, although mum says were not aloud or we will get too hot!
Bruce is the oldest of us all and he's the grumpy old man- He will only get excited now for belly rubs or some treats- his favourite is puffed beef jerky. He like this because he's old now and its not hard to chew but still very tasty. 
Winnie is mummy's princess and will be by mums side where ever she goes!
She's loves to sit in the garden and soak up some rays! 
Winnie often gets called Winnie the Pooh as she is just as lazy and loves to eat!
Her favourite treats are rabbit feet or rabbit skin rolls and she loves anything with hair! 
Winnies party trick is that she likes to show off and catch treats mid air no matter how big or small she will still catch them! She can do a great seal impression when catching a sprat!
Then there is me baby K! 
I'm a messy boy mum is always having to clean me and make me look and smell nice again as I love to play in the mud, sea or even just jump in our pond! 
Some of mums favourite products she has to use on me is the doggy cleaning wipes and the sprays. People always say i smell nice, Dad always chooses the K9 spray for me but mum likes the vanilla cupcake or baby powder although I like them all!
I am a very greedy boy and there isn't any treats I don't like although I am allergic to beef and pork so mum is  a meany and wont give those to me! 
Our favourite part of  being in Emi's is all the amazing friends we make along the way! from big and small dogs to even rabbits, cats and horses! We are one big family and we would love you to come and join! 
If you don't already follow us on tik tok, Facebook or Instagram for videos and updates on us and our fury friends !

Lots of love - The bulldog's